dijous, 3 de desembre del 2009

The TV problem

TV is a set that we can find in every house. TV is bad for us and the world would be better place without it. It's a waste of time and you can't do your obligations and your housework.

First, I believe TV doesn't show anything , for example, books and radio are more interesting than TV because the they show you culture. It's a way to use a lot of electricity. Some teenagers are doing their homework while they're watching television. Personally, I think this set isn't a necessity.

However, It's clear that there are some people who don't think like this because they believe may also be a source of knowledge- such as radio os books . I recognize I have watched reality shows and cartoons and I laught at them. I ofen watch it with my familly, specially documentaries and films but now i liked reading a books and watching a little bit soap opera. My father also makes effort to work at home while he watches DIY programs.

In conclusion, personally , I think TV, as a general rule, isn't a great entertainment because when you watch it you can't do anything

1 comentari:

carmina ha dit...

Good Job, Fatou!
You're working really hard!