dijous, 3 de desembre del 2009
TV is a set that we can find in every house. TV is bad for us and the world would be better place without it. It's a waste of time and you can't do your obligations and your housework.
First, I believe TV doesn't show anything , for example, books and radio are more interesting than TV because the they show you culture. It's a way to use a lot of electricity. Some teenagers are doing their homework while they're watching television. Personally, I think this set isn't a necessity.
However, It's clear that there are some people who don't think like this because they believe may also be a source of knowledge- such as radio os books . I recognize I have watched reality shows and cartoons and I laught at them. I ofen watch it with my familly, specially documentaries and films but now i liked reading a books and watching a little bit soap opera. My father also makes effort to work at home while he watches DIY programs.
In conclusion, personally , I think TV, as a general rule, isn't a great entertainment because when you watch it you can't do anything
My last trip
Last holidays I visited my uncle and my aunt in New York city, United States of America. New York city is extremely bigger than my home town, Olot because It has an area of 800 km2. Everything was very exciting for its buildings, people,... I spent some time in front of the Empire State. I went to Central Park, Broklyn museum, MOMA,... The shops in the centre are really expensive because there are brad shops, for exemple, Channel, Dolce & Gabanna, Armani, etc. However, the shops weren't the problem, the problem was the crowd of people there were in the streets. But I liked everything.
The weather in New York city that moment was rainy and cold for this problem I took the railway or yellow taxis to visit the city. The food was a little bit tasty because in the USA people usually go to the burgers, Chinese restaurants, Mexican restaurants, etc. However, I always cooked in house of my aunt and after I ate this food with my family . The people in New York city was extremely outgoing and welcoming because in this city there are a lot of people from different natiions . When I arrived, I was really anxious , but then I made a lot of friends.
In my opinion, New York city is a big city where there a lot of people but I liked his museums and his parks. Also , I made some new friends. I want to go bak one day.
dilluns, 12 d’octubre del 2009
My informal letter
divendres, 6 de març del 2009

dimarts, 24 de febrer del 2009

Today it would like me to express the one that I hear. I am happy because I am approving everything with good qualifications and I did not wait more because I am staying with my family and I pass it very well with them. Now I see that I am not in this world alone and that everybody have got somebody that the although we do not know it.
dimarts, 4 de novembre del 2008
Greenpeace is an ecologist and pacifist international organization set up in Canada by a group of ecologist teenagers in 1971 because they didn't want to participate in the Vietnam war .
This NGO wants to protect and to defend different places of the world because these outrage places are committed against the environment.
To take care of the environment is a responsibility of all of them and all of us. Finishing with the spills of a factory, to finish with the harmful smoke of an industry. It's aim is not to explain how "to make" Greenpeace "campaigns", but to provide a tool for these circumstances so that each person or collective picks what is of use for them and adapts it up.
I think that this is one of the most important organizations of the world that is worrying for the environment and I believe that this is a very good cause .
Fatoumata Saho
dimarts, 7 d’octubre del 2008
I'm F@tu

Hi!!!My name is Fatu.I'm from Catalonia, in Spain,but my parents from Gàmbia.I'm 15 years old .My birthday is in October. I have got two brothers and three sisters . I haven't got any pets.
My favourite hobby is listening to hip hop music , go out with my friends and staying in my friend's house.I can't playing any instrument but I like the guitar. My favourite food is pasta and my favourite color is purple.
At school my favourite subject is history.I think history is very interessting .I'm a good student.